Friday, November 30, 2007

Quiet House

It is early AM. The Borden's plus Leah have left for Paris for a few days. Jon is in Spain to race. Support is being provided by some of Jonathan Page's entourage. The remaining Bakers, Bill , Cyndi, Axel and I plan to take a train to Ghent this AM to sightsee there. Bill is looking forward to the torture museum in the castle. He was so disappointed the last time we were in Europe as the torture museum in Prague was closed. According to the guidebook this one has all sorts of lovely items such as a working guillotine, a rack and thumbscrews. I wonder if they have a bench where water torture was administered, as that is a very old torture method also. The date of this woodcut is 1556.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Let us know if there is a wax sculpture of Alberto Gonzales in the torture museum.