So we arrive at our hotel after a lovely train ride followed by a crowded metro and I see my purse has been unzipped and the Z22 is gone. So sad. I am busy changing passwords and hoping for the best. I had quite a bit of information in it, but I did have it password protected. It won't open without the password. But I am changing my other web passwords just in case.
So sad your palm is gone, that's always a bit unsettling.
Btw, do you know that you can now play golf in Madrid? Well, not a large course, but a course all right :)
Enjoy your stay in Madrid!
Sorry about your stolen PDA.
I don't see any glaring security holes for the your palm that would allow someone to short-circuit the password protection and access your data. It's possible a dedicated and sophisticated hacker could try a brute force attack to try and crack your password; that is pretty unlikely though.
Probably the stolen PDA will just be hard-reset (wiping all the data) so it can be sold.
If you'd like, here are some password-security links I found:
You can test your password strength here: https://www.microsoft.com/protect/yourself/password/checker.mspx
This was from Jon. Gave us great relief about the security of the data that was on the PDA. The moral of the story is, if you are going to be palm-napped make sure you have it password protected with a strong password.
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