When we went to see the Pantheon here in Paris, I was expecting something similar to Rome. But this Pantheon built in 507 as a basilica for the burial of King Clovis became in 512 a place for pilgrims honoring St Genevieve. It was rebuilt in 1764-1790 by Louis XV again to honor Genevieve. At times it has been a functioning church but more often has been as it is now a place for the burial of famous figures. Many famous Parisians have been interred here such as Victor Hugo.
So in a secular Paris, Pantheon means a place to honor the great of the nation.
William liked the Motto on this statue "Live Free or Die" "Vivre Libre ou Mourir"

St Denis is honored in one of the wall canvases--here shown picking up his head.

I took this one from out in the street and from the front it does resemble the Roman Pantheon--except for the type of dome.
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