We saved the castle of Charles the 5th, king of France 1364-1380, for our last Saturday as it was just around the corner from the hotel.
The Chateau du Vincennes was originally a hunting lodge, but the king needed a secure place for his family during the 100 year's war so he built a keep or castle in Vincennes. It is marvelously preserved--truly a gem.

The keep was walled and the few low buildings inside the wall were not original, but the keep itself was well preserved. The moat of course was a deep grass lined ditch. Originally the wall walk was not roofed as it is now. It's last use was as a prison. The shape of the castle is actually the same as the now long gone Bastille.
The church opposite the castle, Saint Chappelle, was undergoing restoration. It has the same name as the Saint Chappelle church on the Ile de la Cite in Paris as it had a bit of the same relics. A single thorn from the crown of thorns.

We came after lunch and stayed until closing time, walking to every part and listening to every comment on the audioguide.
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