Great Blue Heron Nests
When I woke up this AM I saw a big bird and a nest in a tree on the other side of the sheep field. Upon closer inspection the birds looked like Herons and there were 4 nests in the same tree. A picture does not show much, but there were young in the nests. The Camp Hostess told us that they were Great Blue Herons, but otherwise she was a font of misinformation. She said they were horribly noisy (never heard a peep out of them though a note in a bird book said they can bark like a dog if startled), that they killed trees!!!, and that someone had brought them in (they are a naturally occurring species on the Gila). We also noticed a lot of raptors circling the tree. The herons had to remain vigilant or the hawks would have had a nice baby heron dinner or lunch.

Great Blue Heron
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