We just happen to arrive at the Bridge Tender for lunch.
Home at last.
The soup was great and the pie was very tasty. I just have to work on the baking technique, so it comes out of the pan easier.
I think if I not only spray the pan, but also slightly bake the crust before putting in the filling, it would work.
The plant in the entry is dead so I replace it with a few sprigs of the pink dogwood blooming in the back.
Out to lunch on Cinco de Mayo at Amigos & Company. We both enjoy the fish taco lunch special next to the rushing water of Deer Creek. I am smart enough to ask for my Bud Lite in a glass.
I may have plebeian taste, but I don't have to advertise it. Bill is happy with Negro Modelo on draft.
Dinner is some very good homemade tortilla soup and pecan pie.
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