On Saturday morning Axel and I went to an Easter egg hunt just down the street at the Methodist church. Leah had gone earlier to tennis at the rec center just beyond the church. Axel hunted in the toddler area and did very well. Leah came in for the raffle after the hunt, but we did not win anything even though they must have given out >25 prizes. Axel shared all his hunt gatherings with Leah after we got home. Which was just as mom and dad got home from snowboarding.
Axel woke up from his nap burning with fever. He had had a loose cough that had hung on for a week and a half and it had finally turned into pneumonia. Cyndi rushed him to the ER and told them baby can't breath. She was rushed in front of many others and his O2 sat did measure in the 80's. She had given him some ibuprofen which kicked in as they waited for the prescriptions and he started running around.
So Cyndi was back from the ER quite quickly and the ladies, Cyndi, Leah and I, went to a Seder at Laura and Dara's.
On Easter we had other egg hunts and basket hunts. Axel even found 3 eggs at the big girl hunt, Dara was here. Axel is making a good recovery.
We had an Easter dinner party/Paree Roubaix watching party with pulled pork and salads. A bunch of people from a bike shop came and it was a great success.
Today Jon built a new gate for the side of the house and Axel and Cyndi planted seeds, Jupiter's beard, sunflowers, cherry tomatoes and parsley.

The Jupiter's beard is planned to cover the front. Not a good place for grass as it slopes to the street.
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