Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bogus Anthrax Investigation

There are so many things that smell about this investigation, it is hard to know where to begin.
1. Cheney and others were taking Cipro prior to the attacks and others were told to take Cipro prior to any mailings.
2. Anthrax was subsequently mailed mostly to "liberal" news sources and Democratic members of Congress who were blocking/slowing progress of the US Patriot Act.
3. Immediate leakage of the idea (McCain on Letterman) that the source of the anthrax was probably Iraq.
4. Subsequent leaking of information to ABC that the anthrax had bentonite in it making it surely from Iraq by four lying sources. The anthrax had no bentonite and no tests ever indicated that it did.
5. After the anthrax was determined to have come from a US source, our weapons lab, years were spent on potential suspect Hatfill who was recently given >$5 million for the harassment.
6. An employee of the weapons lab commits suicide.
7. A therapist/counselor comes forward loudly and vocally with wild accusations against the deceased, that he had been horribly mentally unstable with the intent to murder others since 2000.
8. The friends and co-workers of the deceased claim they had no problems with him at work, that he was a devout church goer and volunteer for the Red Cross who had become depressed with what he felt was harassment by the FBI.
9. Other scientists have said that as a specialist in vaccines the deceased did not have the skills to make weaponized aerosol anthrax.
10. The head of the lab says that this cannot be the end of the investigation, that there are too many more questions.
11. Why was an unstable person allowed to keep a high security clearance?
12. Who leaked untrue information to ABC?
13. Where did John McCain get his information?
14. Why was Cheney taking Cipro?
15. The FBI plans to close its investigation within days.

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