When we were returning from Paris the pilot interrupted what was a sleep time for most and announced that there was an unusual break in the clouds over Greenland and that we would be able to see land. William was asleep and at the window. I stood up and half climbed on him to see the sight of glaciers obviously retreating in April. I did not have my camera handy to take a picture, but this web picture is similar to what we saw although there was more evidence of glacial retreat with dirtied toes on the glaciers, less snow pack on the mountains and evidence of frozen lakes that would be liquid in the summer.
When I was flying back from Dallas we flew, as per usual, right over Lake Tahoe. It was bright blue and I could see right down into the lake as the clarity was great. In the plane I was higher than this as I think this was taken from a balloon, but the clarity was the same.
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