After being spoiled rotten with high speed wireless in our attic garret in Lucca, here we are in Sienna with a lovely room with a view and 14 foot high ceilings and no internet. We plan to go to either the internet spot around the corner or a free wireless pub further downtown. Our room is really large ~35x18 + bathroom but very compact. It has a loft and a kitchen in a box and the shower combines with the bath in an interesting way reminiscent of the Pleasure Way (our RV). The ceiling is painted to look like the ceiling of a palazzio. This building is about five to six hundred years old. We look out our window to where St Catherine was born about half a block away.
The Kitchen side of the room

A close-up of the ceiling

The View

Our first day here we went for a walk toward the downtown. William looked at the map and said let's just go this way. Looks like a straight shot. I looked at the map and saw some curved roads that looked like they followed the contours of the land, but OK, so off we go. Down, down a street so steep you would have slid down if it was wet to a v shaped bottom. Then up up a street that vied with Lombard, except that it just went straight up, no curves. We see almost no one on our walk, until we pop out at the top onto a broad thoroughfare filled with people. Now we walk the contours with everyone else.
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