Are your eyes blinded by the glow from the glistening faucet and trash can?
We have been living a horrid last 24 hours. After Cyndi sent her very nice note to Christophe saying that we would be no longer be requiring the services of the maids, he sent her a return email saying that we would have to leave the house at the end of the month as he did not want people in here who were destroying the property that he had spent millions and millions on (possibly old Belgian Francs).
After a good cry by all, Cyndi put her best diplomat skills to work and got Christophe to agree to come to inspect the property. I have been channeling my inner Aunt Petunia (Harry Potter's Aunt) and polishing everything.
We also spent a lot of time looking for where we could move. 3rd floor walk-ups in Brussels? A delightful and expensive country house in Hoeke? Nothing was left in Brugge that was even available for short term rental that was not already rented for at least part of the Christmas holiday.
So today Christophe and Mom showed up. They were impressed by the glow and decided we could stay. Christophe said he was sorry about the email and Mom was remorseful for her part also. So all is OK, except for our having aged a few extra years physically and emotionally.
Jon and Bill have gone bike riding. The baby passed out asleep in his high chair and I think Cyndi is napping also. I am sipping Val's cure-all TheraFlu.
We are looking forward to hugs from our guests, the Bordens, who will arrive in 12 days.
No wonder the Lord had me praying for you guys yesterday morning. And ya' know what He had me pray for you? FAVOR in Brugge. Favor from the shop keepers and favor from the town. Expect more good things to happen from this day on. Good things. I expect the owners to be remorseful and kind from now on, too.
I am so looking forward to seeing you all. I love you all so much. I'm glad to know you are all in God's hands. That makes me very happy to know that.
See you soon. :>)
Remember the blutwurst you received free from the butcher? That was favor from a shop keeper. I'm asking God to give you more favor (and something much better than blutwurst). ;>0
Love you Robbin
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